I have been patinating bronze for over 25 years and until recently this was the only finish used on my sculptures, usually in combination with natural bronze.

Patination is a natural reaction to contact with organic chemicals and can be quickened by the action of heat. For me it has been instinctive, not following precise recipes or procedures, sometimes resulting in unexpected outcomes. Exciting and rewarding as it is, there are limitations to the intensity of colours that can be achieved.

More recently patinated finishes that possess extraordinary and inimitable variegation have been combined with a wider range of vibrant colours that be achieved through painting, or with the use of metal leaf.

Painted finishes offer many opportunities and numerous experiments have preoccupied me recently so that new features can be employed on my sculpture. Investigations have been mostly on paper but there are just a few unique paintings on MDF blocks that had been sitting in a corner of my studio.

They are 250mm x 200mm x 30mm in thickness and with holes in the back are ready to hang. The cost is £175 each including free shipping within the UK (available to purchase below the images).

Please contact me for international shipping options.

Best hung in isolation and in intimate spaces where their small size encourages close scrutiny.


Block Paintings
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